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Why are the hotel sheets are white?
2022-03-11 09:45:51

Why are the hotel sheets are white?

1. lower cost, most of the hotel sheets are the simplest pure white, no dyeing, printing, embroidery and other processes, the price is more than a variety of flowers

2. white sheets are very versatile, suitable for most of the hotel decoration style; even if the room decoration style is different, but also can use a unified white sheets, no need to match additional.

3. white sheets are easy to get dirty, and fancy sheets are difficult to check out after getting dirty and broken; white sheets are very obvious, a glance can be seen, so the hotel unified use of white, easy to clean.

1000 Thread Count Cotton Hotel Linen Sheets

1000 Thread Count Cotton Hotel Linen Sheets

Many people feel that the white sheets are very difficult to clean?

In fact, for daily family life, white sheets are indeed difficult to clean. But for the hotel, the white sheets are instead easier to clear. The stains on the sheets have to be carefully cleaned, but the white sheets then directly add bleach and other chemical agents can be clean as new.

800 Ct.Egyptian Cotton Hotel Bedsheets

800 Ct.Egyptian Cotton Hotel Bedsheets

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